Friday, April 30, 2010

Science is Fun!!!

So, it's been a busy week, but what else is new :)   Don't really know what I accomplished, but suddenly it's gone.  The kids did great at the science fair this week.  Both made it to the regionals and Rya's group came in third!!

Devon's project was about cleaning up oil spills.  A few weeks back his biggest concern when choosing a topic was that he wanted it to be something important, something that waas actually relevant and could help people.  And boy did his topic seem relevant given the recent spill in the gulf.  He actually referred to it when talking to the judges!!  So proud of my boy!!

Like his new glasses?  I think they look great on him!!

Rya and her group did their project on composting.  They checked to see what materials were best suited to be composted.  One of their containers actually ended up with maggots in it...yuck!!  And the worms that were in it seem to have gone missing.  So glad that one was not at my house!!

I also have a number of projects in the works.  One started out like this...

... hopefully I will have a finished product to show you soon.
The second project is MUCH bigger and MUCH more exciting...but I am going to keep it to myself for the time being!!  I'll let you know soon enough.
So, busy weekend ahead.  Devon is at a karate tourney here in town tomorrow and I am working at it all day and on sunday is Jaedyn's hockey banquet.  I'll post an update of the weekend as well as another "what I've been up to" update early next week. 

Until then, just trying to keep my head above the chaos....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Where this crazy life has taken me...

So I was thinking that I should update you all on what has been going on in my world.  However, that could take awhile so maybe a photo update would be better.  Let's give it a try....

Where I currently live.  Geraldton, ON
Pretty exciting huh!!  And yep, the whole town does fit in the picture.  Really kinda sad if you think about it.  Not much happening around here!

Here is where I work.  Geraldton Composite High School.

The whole school population is around 300.  It's kinda crazy considering we had that many in each grade back home (and even that was considered a small school).  You definately get to know everybody though!!

The kid's school.

It's actually two schools in one.  The english side is on the right and the french side is on the left.  There are only 5 classes on the english side, every one being a split grade and less then 20 kids in each class.  Has it's pros and cons. 

My house you need to realize that this picture is from 4 years ago.  Apparently I have none that are more current :(  My yard looks nothing like that now.  The landscaping has been changed every year, partly due to the fact that my front yard has been ripped up every year for the last three (but thats a whole other story),  the deck is bigger now, and I no longer need the baby gate at the stairs!!  Definately time to take a new picture ...  but of course the yard doesn't look so great right now, because it was just ripped up again last week ... aaarrrggghhh.  It better be fixed this time !!!

My babies ... although they are not so little anymore.
11 years old
(not her natural hair

Karate tournament in Thunder Bay this winter ... can't you just feel the love?

9 years old
And nope, his face is never clean.

He hates having his picture taken, you have to catch him off guard.

5 years old
My hockey superstar ... we'll ok, maybe not a superstar, but she can stay up on the skates this year...woohoo!!
(Don't you love her pink princess crown on her helmet ... hehehe.  It matches her pink socks!)

...and sometimes she stops :)

Ok ... so not really the longest update, but it took me all day!! 

Looking like a busy day tomorrow.  I have to work, Rya and Devon are presenting at the regional science fair (woohoo!!) and we have karate and baseball!! 
Just another day in my chaotic life!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What is it all about.....

So, why am I even writing this? What am I trying to share with you all? I guess I am trying to share my life with you. I have come to a few realizations lately. First of all, I miss all my family and friends dearly and realize that I am terrible at keeping in touch.... Second, I have often tried to keep a diary so that I will always remember these moments in my life. However I always seem to terribly fail at the whole diary thing. It usually lasts a week or two, maybe a month if I am really lucky, and then I quit. I think that maybe if I share this with all of you, if I am accountable to someone other then myself, maybe I can keep it up....or not, I guess we will all find out :)